The Father’s Heart

My reading this morning was in Leviticus 23. I know, boring. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the laws we can fail to see the heart of the Father within the laws. Yes, as New Testament Christians, we are no longer under the law, but the heart of the Father remains the same. As I read Leviticus this morning, I noticed the heart of the Father for His children. ...


What do you do when you get news of a possible bad report? The company is downsizing and you may be laid off. The doctor is concerned about your test and you may have a degenerative disease, Your spouse is unhappy and divorce is looming. What do you do in the uncertainty? Fear? Worry? Google? What if you prayed and rested? A man came to Jesus because his son was...

A Mary Rest

I hear the voice of God calling, “My daughter, I need you to rest.” “I know,” I respond, “But I HAVE to…” He replies, “Choose what is better.” “Are you a Mary or a Martha?” This question has plaqued too many women in bible studies. We force women to choose. To put themselves in a box. To see themselves either as Type-A driven personality or a laid back Type-B. Who...

Press from a Place of Rest

Today is a new day! The mistakes I made yesterday are met with new mercies this morning. The tears cried yesterday are confronted with joy this morning. Today is a new day full of possibilities and opportunities in Christ. Today, I press to have a greater revelation of the Father’s love so that I can love others more deeply. Today, I will receive His forgiveness so I can forgive freely....

Identity Crisis

Are you striving to be a good Christian? Do you feel as if you are busy doing the things of God. Do you feel it’s necessary to serve on this committee or that? Is your morning devotional a chore you must follow through on? If you answered yes to any of these, you may be having an identity crisis. Your identity may be wrapped up in what you do and...