We finished an amazing week of Vacation Bible Study! So much fun. We ministered to about 50 children over the week and had volunteers from over 10 different churches. But last night, we also encountered some harsh realities.
Three young ladies showed up at the park not knowing we were having VBS but just to hang out. We invited them to join us and they did reluctantly. Two of them quickly engaged and joined the group. The third stood afar with a sobering expression. Finally, I engaged her and immediately the tears began to flow. She wouldn’t share her story, all I know is she was hurting. I prayed with her and shared the love of God. She said she was a Christian. I don’t remember her name but I remember her pain.
If you think about her today, please pray for her. God knows her name.
There was a child who called another child obscene names. I had to remind the child who called the name who he was and then remind the other child as well. The Name caller is hurting because I suspect he has been bullied. The one who was called the name is hurting because he has a tender heart and wants to be accepted. Please pray for both boys.
A parent was dealing with excessive pain. A group of us surrounded her and prayed. The headache she had been suffering with all day left. We prayed for her complete freedom from pain. Please pray she will experience complete healing.
Thank you for all who supported VBS with prayers, your finances, your time. Thank you for helping us be the hands, the feet, the mouth, the heart of Jesus. Thank you.
#takingthechurchtotheunchurched #vbsinthepark #thechurchhasleftthebuilding
It Was More Than Food
Mexico Outreach
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