Sunday Always Follow Saturday

It’s Saturday. The day after the storm. There is an eerie quietness on Saturday. We awake Saturday full of questions.

“I thought He was…”
“What if I had…?”
“What shall we do now….?”
“How come He allowed….?”

Saturday. The day between
Death and Life
Despair and Hope
Destruction and Restoration.
Lost and Found
Defeat and Victory
Death and Resurrection.

Saturdays are more difficult than Fridays. Saturday requires trust despite what we saw on Friday while not having a complete revelation about Sunday. So on Saturday we


Are you in a Saturday season? The job is gone. The diagnosis is grim. The divorced paper signed. Your situation is dead. Everyone around you has said its time to give up. All seems lost. Not only has the fat lady sung, the cleaning crew is on stage. Your situation is dead and has begun to stink. If you are in a Saturday season, get excited! Because Sunday always follow Saturday.

Saturday prepares us for our upcoming resurrection. Restoration is shaped on Saturdays. Stones are rolled away on Saturday. Saturdays prepare the way for Sundays.

The same Jesus that got up is the same Jesus that empowers us to get back up again. The same resurrection power that resided in Christ, resides in you. The same Jesus that conquered death, grave and sin has given you the authority and the power to do the exact same thing.

It’s Saturday but trust, Sunday is coming.

“and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬