But she did not just declare peace, she took steps to procure it. "Faithing it" is not toxic positivity or passively waiting. This woman took immediate action in her time of crisis. "Faithing it" involves relying on God while simultaneously obeying His voice. It entails stepping forward in faith, trusting that the path will be made clear. "Faithing it" combines faith with action.
Hopeful New Year
Father we ask that 2023 be a year of breakthroughs, miracles, open doors, and salvations.
We declare, 2023 will be a year of freedom - freedom from the lies of the enemy, from past hurts, and bitterness.
I Need Hope
For minutes, she held me tightly and sobbed in my arms. I hope she felt seen by God. I hope she felt loved by Jesus. I hope she knew when I hugged her she was being hugged by the Father.
Giant Slaying
We all have heard the story – Young lad vs. Huge Giant. Sling shot of a kid vs. well armed military giant What Goliath have you faced? Insufficient bank account vs. huge need. Waning faith vs. a devasting medical diagnosis. Tear-stained pillows vs. a crumbling marriage. Weary mom vs. the addiction of a child. A dream vs. years of closed doors. What is your Goliath today? What has God promised...
Overcoming Failure
Failure. No one likes it. Yet, it is inevitable. They had taken Jericho miraculously – a victory, we still marvel about thousands of years later. This victory gave them the confidence needed to take their promised land and establish Joshua as leader. Their next encounter, the small insignificant city of Ai, was supposed to be an easy victory. They sent a fraction of their men to secure this victory. And...
Do you Need a Breakthrough
He had been disabled for 38 years. In an era, when the life expectancy was 35, that was truly a lifetime. We don’t know how long he had waited at the Pool of Bethesda for his miracle. All we know is that this is where Jesus found him – gathered with others who were blind, paralyzed, crippled…waiting for a miracle, waiting for a breakthrough, waiting for mercy. At the pool...
From Trouble to Hope
“And there I will give her her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor a door of hope.” Hosea 2:15a ESV The valley of Achor represents shame, disobedience, failure, mistakes, greed, defeat, regret, punishment, death. (Joshua 7). It is translated the valley of trouble. It is the epitome of our past pain, hurts, discomforts, regrets. But only God can take a place of destruction and plant a vineyard in its...
We Are a Neon Sign
We are sons and daughters of the Most High. God has called us to be a peculiar people. We have a hope when all seems lost. We have something to give when lack is prevalent. We have a song when tears fill our eyes. We have wisdom in times of uncertainty. We have joy in times of mourning. We have confidence when the world is scary. We have love in...
Can I tell you a secret? Sinners sin. This apparently is a secret because I am amazed how Christians react when sinners do outrageous acts. Our current indignation is about a pair of shoes. (I will not name the shoes or the artist because I believe there is no such thing as bad publicity.) I have seen outrage from Christians, fear this will corrupt our children, and dismay that this...
The Mind of Christ
I have the mind of Christ! That may seem an arrogant thought to some. Self-debasing to others. But for those of us who have surrendered to Christ, it is a truth. A truth with power. This morning I am meditating on the implications of this truth. How does this affect my day to day life. Why is this important as I minister to others. Why did Paul say, “We have...