“And whatever you ask for in prayer, believing, you will receive.” MATTHEW 21:22 AMP
But I asked and the marriage ended.
But I asked and the the loved one died.
But I asked and the sickness lingered.
But I asked…
I love math because it is trustworthy, it’s eternal, it never changes. If my students get a wrong answer, I never question the math. Together we find where they made a mistake. Sometimes it may be we don’t have enough information to solve the problem, but it’s never the math’s fault. Sometimes the textbook simplified differently than we did and we don’t recognize we actually got the correct answer.
When my students are not getting the correct answer, I encourage them to persevere, have study dates with math, dive into their textbooks and discover the beauty of math, all over again. But we never question the math.
We all have stories of praying and believing, yet our answers seemed not to come. Do we question God? God, the inventor of math, is trustworthy, eternal, never changing. The problem never lies on his side.
Sometimes our answer doesn’t look like what we envisioned.
Sometimes we assume God is saying no, when he is saying wait.
Sometimes, we just don’t understand and need more information.
Whatever the case, my advice to you is the same advice I give my students. Persevere. Spend time with the Father. Dive into his word. Treat your delay, your confusion, your lack of understanding as an invitation to rediscover the beauty of God.
My two first loves, Math and God, will never fail you. Ask in prayer and believe you will receive.