Faithing it Faking it? (II Kings 4:8-37)

But she did not just declare peace, she took steps to procure it. "Faithing it" is not toxic positivity or passively waiting. This woman took immediate action in her time of crisis. "Faithing it" involves relying on God while simultaneously obeying His voice. It entails stepping forward in faith, trusting that the path will be made clear. "Faithing it" combines faith with action.

Giant Slaying

We all have heard the story – Young lad vs. Huge Giant. Sling shot of a kid vs. well armed military giant What Goliath have you faced? Insufficient bank account vs. huge need. Waning faith vs. a devasting medical diagnosis. Tear-stained pillows vs. a crumbling marriage. Weary mom vs. the addiction of a child. A dream vs. years of closed doors. What is your Goliath today? What has God promised...

Got Faith? “Even when Sarah was too old to have children, she had faith that God would do what he had promised, and she had a son.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:11‬ ‭CEV‬‬ “Abraham and Sarah were very old, and Sarah was well past the age for having children. So she laughed and said to herself, “Now that I am worn out and my husband is old, will I really know such happiness?””...

A Day in the Life

The 8th chapter of Luke, seems like the year 2020 for Jesus. He got in a boat and a storm arose that was so fierce even seasoned fishermen panicked. He got off the boat and was confronted by a demon-possessed madman who had a history of intimidating the locals. The village where he landed rejected him and asked Him to leave their area. An unclean woman touched him. She not...

It’s been a looooong nine months. When we began this pandemic living on March 13, I, like so many, commanded this virus to end. But after awhile, I felt like the Lord said, “We are going to be in this a while and you need to prosper in the storm.” So I taught that. I tried to live that truth. I was optimistic (most of the time.) On November 3,...

Count it Joy!

🎶 “Count it all joy when the world starts crashing. Hold your head up and keep on dancing.” 🎶 Alright -MercyMe This song has been my anthem this year. But yesterday the phrase, “Count it all joy,” just permeated my soul. Can I just be honest my Facebook friends? “I’m weary.” I’m weary of remote learning. I’m weary of not seeing my children. I’m weary of the political divide. I’m...

Faith or Fear?

My husband is a man of few words. When he speaks, he either makes me laugh or makes me think. Friday, he made me think. Weary from work, the news of protesters killed by a teen, another black man shot by police, learning about Chadwick Boseman, family drama, a feeling of dread overcame me. As I shared my struggle with my husband, he told of his similar struggle earlier that...