Greater Works

“As a Pastor, how do you deal with people attending church whose lifestyle may be contrary to your interpretation of the scripture,” I asked Pastor Michael.

Michael and his wife pastor a small church that is growing with new believers. While exciting, it can also be uncomfortable for the religious.

Michael’s response was simple yet profound. “It is not our job to change people. People will change when they have a real encounter with Jesus. Our job is to give them an undeniable encounter with God. Once people encounter the power of God, they will never be the same.”

That statement has put a fire in my heart to live out Jesus’ promise, “Greater works shall we do.”

I want to love people like Jesus loved people. I want not only to meet their practical needs but to present them with the power and presence of Jesus.

Sunday, another wise Pastor, Pastor Leah, continued to flame the fires of my heart on this topic. At the end of her sermon, she encouraged us to spend some quiet time with God.

I began praying and asking God for power. He stopped me and said, “I have already given you power.”

“Lord, give me strength.” He replied, “I’ve already given you strength.”

“Lord, give me wisdom.” He replied, “I’ve already given you wisdom. I have already given you every spiritual blessing.” (Ephesians 1:3)

So how do we pray? Maybe we should ask to minister like Jesus.

1. Lord, open my eyes to see those who are hurting.

Jesus was teaching in the synagogue, when He SAW her. She was bent over. He saw and was compelled to heal her. (Luke 13:10-13)

2. Lord, interrupt my plans so I can go to those who are hurting.

Jesus was walking to Galilee. But along the way, His plans were interrupted and He had to go through Samaria. Not the normal route for a Jewish man. But He had to go. He went and was compelled to release her into her purpose. (John 4)

3. Lord, move me with compassion so I can touch the untouchable  when I’m afraid, indifferent, inconvenienced.

He came to Jesus void of human touch. He lad leprosy and needed a miracle. Moved by compassion, Jesus game him more than a miracle. He gave him what he didn’t even know he needed. Jesus touched Him. He restored His humanness. Jesus, moved by compassion, was compelled to touch Him. (Mark 1:40-44)

Folks, you have been given everything you need to do the greater works. You have been equipped with Spiritual blessing and the resurrection power of Jesus dwells within you.

It’s time we surrender and ask God to change our “want to”.

This is my new prayer: “Open my eyes. Interupt my plans. Move me with compassion. Amen”

#GreaterWorks #empowered #equipped #gointoalltheworld

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