He was a respected leader in the community. A man of dignity and prestige. He worked for the Pharisees, administering the business of the synagogue. What would His employers say if they knew of his plans this day? Would they ridicule him, discipline him, fire him, excommunicate him if they knew he planned to go see Jesus, whom they consider a demon-possessed heretic?
But Jarius was desperate. His daughter lay sick, near death. The doctors offered no solution. The Pharisees, his colleagues, only offered rules and explanations of why he was facing disaster. Jarius needed power. He needed healing. He needed a miracle.
So Jarius did the unthinkable in his circles. He went to Jesus. He fell at Jesus’ feet and worshipped. He implored Jesus to come and heal his daughter.
Notice Jesus’ response. He did not shame Jarius. He did not bring up Jarius’ association with the very people who accused him of being demon-possessed. He did not discipline Jarius for allowing “His father’s house to become a den of robbers.” No, Jesus saw Jarius’ need, his desperation and had compassion.
Are you at your wit’s end today? Do you need a miracle. Maybe you have ridiculed the idea that Jesus heals or that he provides. Maybe you have laughed at or found those people of faith doctrinal inaccurate. But today, like Jarius, you need a healing, a blessing, a miracle.
Go to Jesus. He will not remind you of your past indiscretions. There will be no shaming, no blaming. Go to Jesus and you will find acceptance, compassion, and a miracle. Come to Jesus.
“Then He took the child by the hand, and said to her, “Talitha, cumi,” which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” Immediately the girl arose and walked, for she was twelve years of age. And they were overcome with great amazement.”
Mark 5:41-42 NKJV