Undone by Your Own Writings

When God uses your own words to answer your prayer… James and I need to make a decision that will have significant impact on our lives. We have been praying for wisdom. Last night as I am proofing my new book, “Touched”, I read this powerful statement I wrote months ago: “God has seen fit to give us the mind of Christ. As a co-heir with Christ, I can think...

He’s Intentional

Jesus HAD to go through Samaria. Jesus HAD to stay at Zaccheus’ house. Both the Samaritans and Zaccheus were considered chief sinners. Both were despised by the religious elite. Proper Jewish men would never be caught dead interacting or having dinner with the likes of them. But Jesus intentionally sought out, made a point to sit down and have a meal with those his community deemed sinners. Friends, reconciliation requires...

Carry My Love

The Jews and the Samaritans did not get along. The Jews avoided the Samaritans like they avoided anyone whom they deemed ‘unclean’. So when this Jewish man fell on hard times, he must have been surprised when the respected Jewish priest and Levite ignored him and crossed the street to avoid him but the Samaritan demonstrated brotherly kindness. Today, I am pondering that story from the Samaritan’s point of view....

A Life of ”Shoulds”

As a Grace Christian, I’m not a fan of the word, “should”. It implies law, a mandatory requirement. While this interpretation of Colossians 3:12 – 14, is laced with the word “should”, I would like to share it. We are crying out for God to heal our nation when perhaps He has given us everything we need to make this a better world. Perhaps, it’s not our nation that needs...

When God GPS Your Steps

The Pharisees were indignant. How dare Jesus heal on the Sabbath? How dare he show compassion to the sick and hurting on a day set aside for rest? Jesus’ defense was simple, “I speak to you timeless truth. The Son is not able to do anything from himself or through my own initiative. I only do the works that I see the Father doing, for the Son does the same...

From Sin-Sniffer to Grace-Giver

What is sin? Since we are no longer under the law, can we still sin? Are the sins listed in the Old Testament still applicable today? As I read Colossians 3 this morning, I find myself thinking about conversations and teachings I have heard over the last few months. Here is my humble conclusion on the matter. In my life, it doesn’t matter. Does this mean, I’m going to go...


Headed home today from a Mexico Missions Trip, thinking about the previous week. God has been so good this week. Here are some of the highlights: Over 130 children loved and taught the gospel. Over 40 adults loved, taught deep truths on their identity and God’s love. Numerous healings – eyesight restored, woman had stomach pain four days and was delivered, man had pain in body and couldn’t move his...

Build Up

I love finding promises to stand on in the scripture. Promises of blessings, safety, protection. Promises that I can and will walk in the power of Jesus, overcome difficulties, stand victorious. I love to highlight and memorize those. But sometimes as I read, I find responsibilities. Honestly, they are not as fun. They challenge me to examine my life, to submit areas of my heart to the Holy Spirit, to...