Build Up

I love finding promises to stand on in the scripture. Promises of blessings, safety, protection. Promises that I can and will walk in the power of Jesus, overcome difficulties, stand victorious. I love to highlight and memorize those. But sometimes as I read, I find responsibilities.

Honestly, they are not as fun. They challenge me to examine my life, to submit areas of my heart to the Holy Spirit, to grow as person. I read such responsibility this morning.

God has given me authority to preach the Gospel with power. He uses my words. Therefore, I need to use my words to build up, not tear down. That just hit me this morning, not with guilt or condemnation but with conviction.

I am blunt. Often sarcastic. Irritated by whiners. But God is challenging me this morning to allow the Holy Spirit to grace my words. To not complain about our leaders, or others with whom I disagree. He is challenging me to find the good in everyone I encounter and use the authority in my words to build up.

Our responsibility, as Paul said, is to build others up and not tear them down.

“I’m writing my honest feelings to you from afar so that when I arrive I won’t have to correct you by using the authority the Lord has given me, for I want to build you up and not tear you down.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭13:10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

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