“Can my son have extra time on the test,” the parent inquired. Her son, a sophomore in AP Calculus, had a B. He had never had a B before. He was always the “smartest in the class.” She reasoned, surely the time restraints were preventing her child from achieving an A. As teachers, we receive similar requests often. ”Make life easier for my child.” Prevent my child (and me) from...

Happily Ever After

Have you ever noticed that fairy tales always end at the wedding with the phrase “And they lived happily ever after”? It leaves us with the idea that ‘happily ever after’ is easy. It causes us to believe ‘happily ever after’ is a life with no hiccups, no sorrow, and no trials. While I do believe in ‘happily ever after’ endings, I know that it does not come without regret,...

Count it Joy!

🎶 “Count it all joy when the world starts crashing. Hold your head up and keep on dancing.” 🎶 Alright -MercyMe This song has been my anthem this year. But yesterday the phrase, “Count it all joy,” just permeated my soul. Can I just be honest my Facebook friends? “I’m weary.” I’m weary of remote learning. I’m weary of not seeing my children. I’m weary of the political divide. I’m...

Choose Well

“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God!” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭42:11‬ ‭NLT‬‬ Everyday, since March 16, my mornings have mirrored this prayer. My husband has the news playing. I hear it in the background – the despair, the hopelessness, the trouble overwhelms. Discouragement is easy. A sad heart is expected. But every...

No Dread

I have been dreading something. The reasons I’m dreading this event is unimportant. The “dread” is the problem. When I dread anything I partner with lies. Some of the lies I’m partnering with are 1. The impending event is bigger than God. 2. God won’t be with me in the circumstance. 3. There will be no joy as I was walk through this circumstance. When you come right down to...

Prosperity is a Choice

I was reading the story of Joseph yesterday. Joseph’s brothers did him wrong. I mean really, really wrong. There was hatred, malice, and murder within their hearts. There is no “gracefying” their actions. Their actions were evil concerning their brother. Yet, still Joseph forgave. Yet, still Joseph prospered while enslaved. Yet, still Joseph prospered in prison. Joseph was able to look at his brothers at the end of his life...


My husband always says, “No matter where you go, there you are.” I’ve spent far too many years searching for what I thought would bring me joy and fulfillment. I’ve left too many jobs looking for the elusive perfect workplace. I have left churches searching for the perfect Body of Christ. The change may have provided temporary happiness, but ultimately the same demons I was running from, just got bigger...


Each year I am overwhelmed by students asking for letters of recommendations. To help write a letter that is personal, I ask the students to complete a survey. This response captured my heart. What was your favorite memory from my class? “My favorite memory of calculus BC would have to be being greeted by you everyday. No matter what was happening that day or how long the week felt you...