No Dread

I have been dreading something. The reasons I’m dreading this event is unimportant. The “dread” is the problem.

When I dread anything I partner with lies. Some of the lies I’m partnering with are
1. The impending event is bigger than God.
2. God won’t be with me in the circumstance.
3. There will be no joy as I was walk through this circumstance.

When you come right down to it, dread is just a fancy word for fear.

So how do I face this dread?

King David faced a similar problem. As he was carrying the ark of the covenant, a mistake was made and someone died. David, after that, dreaded bringing the Ark to its rightful place, Jerusalem. (I Chronicles 13)

So David sought wisdom from God on how to correctly bring the Ark home.

Wisdom is key to overcoming dread.

So I am asking for Wisdom on how to navigate this circumstance. I am asking my Father To give me insight, creative ideas, and favor as I navigate that which I am dreading.

Then, as David did, I will embrace that which I dread, with joy! David brought the ark home knowing God was with him! (I Chronicles 15)

So I will enthusiastically run toward that which I am dreading with the assurances:

If God is for me, what can defeat me.
All things work together for my good.
I have been given every spiritual blessing in Him.
Not only will God lead me into triumph, He will use me to spread the fresh aroma of Him.

Are you dreading something? Stand with me this morning and declare like King David would later write: “The LORD is my light and my salvation— Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the refuge and fortress of my life— Whom shall I dread?”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:1‬ ‭AMP‬‬