Who is Waiting on Whom?

As people of Grace, we say and I fully believe, that many of the promises given by God are ours today because of Jesus’ perfect obedience and not ours. However, that does not absolve us from walking in obedience. Picture a mom telling her child, “We will go get ice cream as soon as you finish cleaning your room.” The child comes back in 10 minutes. “Mom, can we go...

The Challenge – Week 6 Day 2

Do you think Jesus feared? Probably not. Even when He was facing the cross, knowing He would be beaten and crucified, I don’t think he feared. He was hesitant perhaps, but not fearful. How do you think Jesus could face this world without falling prey to fear? Perhaps He knew He was a Son. Knowing your Father is Almighty God, maker of the universe, parter of the sea, healer of...


It was everything they were promised. A beautiful land filled with juicy fruit – figs, grapes, pomegranates. A land with green pastures that could sustain a nation. It was truly a land flowing with milk and honey. There was just one small problem. There was only one thing that stood between a nation and its promise. There was only one thing that stood between just getting by and living abundantly....

Love vs. Fear

Did you know the opposite of love is not hate but fear? (Hate is the by-product of fear.) The Bible tells us, “Perfect love casts out fear.” So if I want to love people, I must begin by refusing fear. Today, I have decided not to allow fear to govern my heart. I have decided I would rather risk being hurt by ‘one’ than not trusting the ‘all’. I have...


FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out. It’s a term that has been coined over the last couple of years. I have to admit FOMO has raised its ugly little head several times this year as I have stepped down from leadership at my local church. I felt it this weekend as many women from my church are off at a Women’s Retreat but despite my desire to go, I had...


Fear steals your destiny. King Jeroboam feared loosing his status, loosing his life, loosing his subjects, so he began a long tradition of Kings who led Israel to worship other gods. One man’s fear eventually led to a nation in exile, a glorious temple destroyed and countless lives lost. Fear stole a nation’s destiny. The opposite of fear is perfect love. If you find yourself fearing today, ask God for...

No Fear!

Goliath stood – tall, fierce, intimidating – taunting the armies of God. Everyone, including their leader, Saul was afraid of him. Picture it. The Philistine army on one side, the army of God on the other. What prevented God’s army from moving forward was one thing: fear. Fear had them stuck in their tracks cowering, shaking in their boots. On the scene came a young lad – good-looking, confident, and...

No Fear!

Fear is debilitating. Fear can prevent us from walking in or using the gifts we have. In the story of the servants given the talents, it was fear that prevented the servant from using the gift he was given. Some of us fear getting out of God’s will. We fear being presumptuous. But God is a loving Father and even if we didn’t hear God just right, even if we...