You Are Invited

As Christians we believe there is only one way to the Father and that’s Christ Jesus. I know this is not a popular statement and I am sure many people will call me intolerant, bigoted, and ignorant (because that is what we call people in America when they disagree with us.) But although this may sound exclusionary it’s not! image

Actually at its roots, Christianity is the most inclusive of ALL religions. Jesus died for everyone regardless of ethnicity, gender, economic status. He is available to ALL if you just cry out to Him. To be saved does not require any great sacrifice, it does not require a great pilgrimage. Your birthright gets you nothing. Every person on the planet is invited to the party and all it requires is a belief and a confession. “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”(‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬ NIV)

There are no prerequisites, there is no fine print, there are no hidden fees, there are no rituals you must perform.

Yes, it’s that easy. I know as Christians, we have made this seem like some exclusive club where we are better than everyone else and only the elite (mostly white) can enter. But here is the truth, Christians are broken, hurt, insecure people finding healing through Christ. We were all broken and that is why we needed a Savior. (We are still in some degree of brokenness and so we keep seeking Him.)

If you are at the end of yourself, try Jesus. If you are broken, hurt, disenfranchised try Jesus. If the freedom you have sought has led you to addiction to drugs, sex, porn, try Jesus for true freedom. He is only a call away and He stands at the ready to receive anyone and everyone who calls. He will give you peace, true freedom, hope, and He can restore a life of bad choices. Come, join the family. You are welcomed!