My child, I was. I will be. I Am. I Am Health. I Am Provision. I Am Wisdom. I Am Love. I Am Acceptance. I Am Peace. I Am Lord. I Am Refuge. I Am Strength. I Am Joy. I Am Hope. What do you need today? Come to the fountain. Partake of my Goodness. Drink from my unlimited resources. This day, I Am whatever you need and tomorrow, I...

Promise or a Plan?

Yesterday, I got some disappointing news. Normally, this would not have been a big deal but with all of the other things going on in my life, this sent me over the edge. I left work and drove to church to have friends pray for me. After our impromptu prayer session, I was in the parking lot leaving, and The Holy Spirit said, “All things work together for your good....

Lessons Learned from Math

“And whatever you ask for in prayer, believing, you will receive.” MATTHEW‬ ‭21:22‬ ‭AMP‬‬ But I asked and the marriage ended. But I asked and the the loved one died. But I asked and the sickness lingered. But I asked… I love math because it is trustworthy, it’s eternal, it never changes. If my students get a wrong answer, I never question the math. Together we find where they made...

Disappointed No More

Yesterday, my friend Neal was teaching on thinking above the line. He encouraged us to not think the worse was going to happen, but to imagine the best will happen. “If you are going to make up a future, make it a good one,” he encouraged. As I listened to his teaching, the thought kept popping into my head, “Yeah, but I’m tired of being disappointed.” I am generally a...

It’s Yours

It’s scary. It’s big. It’s beyond your wildest imagination. Thinking of it makes you shudder in awe. Envisioning it makes your mouth drop in wonder. Speaking of it makes you humble yourself before God. What is this amazing, awesome, beautiful thing? It’s your destiny. It is the plans God has for you to give you hope and a future. So how do we embrace something so much bigger than ourselves?...

Be Content

We all have that friend. You know, the Pinterest Queen. Their homes perfectly decorated for the holidays, homemade cookies always freshly baked waiting as you enter, and her kids are wearing perfectly clean matching Christmas outfits. And then there is you. Half decorated tree, store bought stale cookies, and struggling to keep a diaper on little Tommy. Can anyone relate? Whether you are Ms. Perfect, Ms. Struggling to hang a...

The Same God

Jesus gave the Apostles authority to heal the sick and cure every disease and then he sent them out. They did what they were given authority to do. They went into the villages and healed people everywhere! Yay Apostles! Then they returned to Jesus. They wanted to have a debriefing retreat but the people came. Jesus taught the people but when it was supper time, the Apostles said, “Send them...