After spending years in prison for something he didn’t do, Joseph finally gets a break. The king placed his cupbearer and baker in prison. Each have a dream which Joseph correctly interprets. When the cupbearer is restored, Joseph has one request: Tell Pharaoh about me. Yet the cupbearer forgot about Joseph. Have you ever felt forgotten? You are working hard but others are promoted over you. You have prayed and...
Prosper In the Storm
God gave Joseph a dream, “Men will bow to you.” But soon after he had the dream, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. But Joe, was a good guy, so he excelled at being a slave. His mater’s household prospered under Joe’s care. You would think Joe would have gotten a promotion. Nope. Instead he was falsely accused and ended up in jail. What? If I were...
Favored Child
Joseph was the son of the favored wife born in Jacob’s latter years and so he was favored. His presence made his father’s eyes light up every time he walked in a room. He was given the choicest food and opportunities and even an ornate robe. But Joseph was immature and a tattler. He had a dream of God’s plans for him and told his siblings. This did not endear...
Lessons Learned in the Pit
The Story of Joseph 1. Hold onto your Dreams. As we journey through life, sometimes it may seem as if we are far away from our dream. It may even seem as if we are going in the wrong direction. But hold onto to the dream. Declare it over your life. See it. Never give up on it. 2. Prosper in the the pit. You will never have authority in...
Be Fruitful and Multiply
God desires that his children prosper in all circumstances. Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers. I’m sure he was angry and bitter. He had once been the favorite child of wealth and means. Now he is a slave in a foreign land. The next time you think your job is bad, read the story of Joseph. Bot Joe didn’t allow his circumstances to prevent him from doing what...