This I Call to Mind

“Great is your faithfulness. Your mercies are new every morning.” These amazing words of hope and assurance were literally penned in the middle of one of Israel’s most devastating seasons. Jeremiah, the prophet wrote these words as he was lamenting. Jeremiah said when he thought about his problems, his affliction, his lack he became depressed and hopeless. He felt as if his future was gone (Lamenatations 3:18&19). But when he...

Pray for this Generation

I heard some news this week about a dear friend’s child. This friend in many ways, was my example as I was learning to parent my children. So I was saddened to see her child make choices that I’m sure broke her parents’ heart. If I’m honest, the news made me feel a little hopeless. How can we protect our children from this world? That hopelessness turned to anger. Then...

A Five Hour Drive

I drove five hours yesterday by myself, well me, the Holy Spirit, and three decades of Christian and not so-Christian Music. It was a great time of worship and reflection. God spoke to me, gave me peace, reminded me of His love and faithfulness. I’m currently faced with a problem that is weighing heavily on my heart. With this problem, I have learned something about my faith. If I can’t...

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

My life is not always easy. There are promises I have been waiting over 20 years to see fulfilled. Even today, I’m dealing with rejection. I’ve had my share of disappointments and epic fails. I have doubted, cried, and wanted to give up. I have had to fight fear, anxiousness, and hopelessness. I’m not sharing this because I want your pity or your prayers. I just want you to know...


Don’t allow the enemy to steal your song. In the book of Joshua, Israel was defeated at the battle of Ai because of one man’s disobedience. The man was stoned and heaps of stone was placed on his burial site. That placed became know as the Valley of Achor and was forever known to Israel as a place of sin and great failure. But in Hosea, during a time when...

Living in Christ Verses 12 & 13

It’s 5:00 am on a Saturday morning. Last week was my first week back at work and students start Monday. Come Monday, I can no longer hit snooze when the alarm sounds at 4:45 am. So honestly, I’m a little ticked with my body for not enjoying these last days of sleeping in. But I’m awake. There is a lot to be done so I start by reading the word...


Last night I found out some pretty devastating news. I was distraught. Worry filled my heart. I didn’t know what to do. (My family is fine.) So I lay in bed tossing and turning. Even an over-the-counter sleep aid could not calm my anxious mind. Then the Holy Spirit asked me, “What would you tell a friend to do if they were in this situation?” “Take their eyes off their...

Goodbye, with Hope

Yesterday, a dear friend, Renee, went home to be with the Lord. I got the news when I was hundreds of miles away on a missions trip. Surrounded by people, I grieved alone. Later that day, another friend, who was also on the trip, came into my room and we grieved together. She reminded me that Renee was with Jesus. No longer suffering but now enjoying her Savior. I’m amazed...

The Storm

We delayed our departure because of the storm. We literally circled the airport, flying aimlessly for an hour because of the effects of the storm. Once we landed, we waited hours for our connecting flight because of the storm. Finally we landed at our destination in the wee hours of the morning. Tired. Inconvenienced. Frustrated. Because of the storm. We landed safely because we wisely decided to fly above the...

Melissa’s Psalm

God is good. His mercy endures forever. God is good. His faithfulness knows no bounds. God is good. His love overwhelms. I will praise Him. I will dance and shout before Him. I will sing of His goodness. When chaos comes, I will praise Him in the midst of it. When I don’t understand, I will sing his praises for the world to hear. When darkness abounds, I will shine...