This week two friends read a scripture and thought they were disqualified from blessings because they weren’t perfect in their execution of the scripture.
But let me tell you a secret:
The law disqualified. Jesus qualifies!
Allow what Jesus did while He walked on earth to speak louder than your interpretation of scripture.
Allow the grace He exhibited when interacting with tax collectors, prostitutes, adulteresses, and Gentiles form your theology.
Allow how He healed all who asked and didn’t ask to shape your prayer life and increase your faith.
As you read the Bible, read it through the filter that Jesus is God and therefore He is the same, yesterday, and today.
Read the scripture knowing Jesus is your perfect High Priest, always making intercession for you, keeping you qualified in Him.
Your heart doesn’t have to be perfect. He is perfecting you.
Your theology doesn’t have to be perfect. He is giving you a greater revelation of His goodness.
Don’t trust in your ability to forgive perfectly, seek him perfectly, worship him perfectly, pray perfectly, love him perfectly, understand his word perfectly, obey him perfectly.
Trust in His perfect sacrifice, His perfect forgiveness, His perfect love, His perfect obedience.
His really is THAT Good, that He is not holding your imperfections against you.
His grace is really THAT Amazing, that He is not holding you captive to your past.
His love is really THAT Extravagant, that He blesses you despite your mistakes.
His sacrifice is really THAT complete, that you are forgiven completely, that you can go boldly into His presence, and you are never disqualified.
“but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Such a high priest truly meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens.”
Hebrews 7:24-26 NIV