Friends, are you expecting an immutable God to deal with you according to an old speed limit? The law was necessary. We were under construction. But then Jesus came. He fulfilled the law. He atoned for our mistakes. He was a propitiation for sins, satisfying the wrath of God.
Click below to learn more about law and grace.
The Real Story
When I didn’t deserve it, when I had fallen, when I was sinking, the Father was gracious toward me. The Father showed mercy, granted me favor, was kind, and granted forgiveness. The Father, kissed my boo boo, held my hand and together we walked back to a place of health.
Click the link below to read more.
Grace or Law
If you read my books (and you should) or if you hear me teach or come to me for advice, you will hear: We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. It is a free gift and we didn’t earn it and therefore can’t loose it. God’s love for us does not ebb and flow with our behavior. We are accepted in the Beloved. I live my life by...
The Invitation
We come… Nothing or no one can prevent us… There are not obstacles that can stop us… The admission price has been paid. The invitation extended. There is no barrier between us and Him. We come boldly… Awed by His majesty… Humbled by His Presence… Yet knowing His scepter is always extended. Knowing we are accepted. Knowing we will not be turned away. We come boldly to His Throne of...
Law or Grace?
We are New Covenant people. We are no longer under the Law but under grace. While grace is far better than Law, for some reason, we keep running back to Law. Yesterday, (read here) I shared about the confrontation between Paul and Peter when Peter behaved hypocritically and fell back into the law. As I was preparing to run errands yesterday, I felt as if the Holy Spirit say, “I...
Living Holy and Obediently
How do you teach holiness without evoking feelings of guilt? How do you teach obedience without legalism? You begin by teaching the Love of God, the faithful, unconditional, unstoppable, unfailing, uncompromising love of God. You remind people that God’s love doesn’t ebb and flow with their behavior. He loves you because you are His masterpiece. Secondly, remind them of power of the cross. Because of the cross, sin is no...
Why Should I Obey?
Yesterday, I felt as if I were supposed to share on obedience in the Bible Study I facilitate. But as I began preparing my notes, I felt as if God said, “Stop. Before you share on obedience, remind them of grace.” So, we began our discussion by remembering some truths: 1. We are righteous (right with God) because of Jesus’ perfect obedience not ours. (II Corinthians 5:21). 2. We are...
The Rainbow
U I read this quote the other day and was impacted by it: “I refuse to be a Christian who is generous with damnation and stingy with Grace.” Too often our image of God and our portrayal of God, is one of an angry God, sitting in heaven sending floods, calamity, sickness our way to punish. How many times has trouble come our way and the first question we think...
Jesus’ Secret
She was guilty. No doubt about it. She was caught in the very act. They dragged her out of bed, half-naked, head hung, ashamed. She was a pawn in their twisted game. This angry mob demanded justice. She was an adulterer. The law was clear, she deserved stoning. She deserved an horrific, embarrassing, shameful death. What would this Jesus do? If He were truly a prophet, if He were truly...
Grace Transforms
I am a woman of grace! The theology of grace has transformed my life. Grace gives us the power to live like Christ. Understanding our identity gives us the freedom to live like Christ. Consider the words of Paul, the teacher of grace, in Colossians 3. He begins by reminding us who we are – raised with Christ (conjoined) and seated at the right hand of God, lives hidden in...