Old vs. New

This morning, I read a passage in Numbers that made me ponder. Moses had a ‘sacred tent’. When he needed to hear from God, he  would enter. When I read that this morning, I thought, “That’s cool; a sure fire way to hear God.”

But the Lord quickly reminded me, as New Testament believers we have a better covenant.

Old Testament – Only priests, who were men and descendants of Aaron, were allowed to enter.
New Testament – we have been designated a royal priesthood. Everyone is allowed to dialogue with God. There is no longer Jew, or Greek or Gentile, or male, or female. We all get to hear His voice.

Old Testsment – The priest had to enter the Holy of Holies, a physical place in a dedicated location.
New Testament – The veil has been torn and the Holies of Holies lives within us as believers. There are no geographical restrictions.

Old Testament – The priest had to go through a purification ritual to enter the presence of God.
New Testament – The blood of Jesus has purified us once and for all.

Old Testament: Moses had a tent.
New Testament: We have an open heaven.

As Christians, I don’t think we realize the precious gift of being still and communing with God. I think we take for granted we have a God who wants to speak with us. He is never too busy to take our calls, or laugh with us, or dance with us. He doesn’t make us jump through hoops or earn His presence. We have full access to the King of Kings. Selah.

Lord, I repent of times when I have squandered opportunities to be still and listen. I repent of times when I allowed the voice of fear to speak louder than you. I repent of times when I did not believe your voice. I repent of times when I quieted your voice in my life with busyness and distractions. Father, would you please, redeem those times. Amen

Old Testament: “Whenever Moses needed to talk with the Lord, he went into the sacred tent, where he heard the Lord’s voice coming from between the two winged creatures above the lid of the sacred chest.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭7:89‬ ‭CEV‬‬

New Testament: “So now we draw near freely and boldly to where grace is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:16‬ ‭TPT‬‬