Do you remember finals week when you were in school? The late night study sessions. Attempting to read and memorize an entire textbook in one night? Studies show this is not effective learning. You may retain that information long enough to take the test but then it’s gone.
Sometimes, this is how we approach our Christian life. Cramming. Waiting until we are sick to declare we are healed. Waiting until we are in lack before we meditate on his resources. Joshua was promised, he would be successful if he meditated on the word daily, not just in his time of need.
Let us not live our lives like students, waiting for the test before we study. Let’s be proactive and daily declare the blessings of God over our lives! When the test comes (and it will come), there will be no sleepless nights, no late night study sessions because we will be prepared for whatever comes our way.
“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
Joshua 1:8 NIV