
Yesterday, sitting in a busy restaurant, I began to meditate on this thought: “Jesus is the perfect representation of God.”

My earthly father had a difficult life. His backstory was filled with a loss of a mother and sister at a young age, racial discrimination, poverty, separation from younger siblings. As a child, I did not find my earthly dad easily approachable. He was a good provider never abusive but often harsh with his words.

So, it has been a journey for me to see God as loving and approachable. I approached God the way I approached my earthly father – with fear of judgment, braced for a rebuke. God’s judgment was easier to accept than His mercy.

But yesterday, as I meditated on the thought, “Jesus is the perfect representation of God,” I began to weep. God was giving greater revelation of His love for me in the middle of a busy restaurant.

When I mediated on how Jesus went out of His way to speak to five-time divorcée, who was shacked up with a man and from the wrong sides of the track but lovingly called her into her destiny, my eyes fill with tears. Because now, I see a God who relentlessly pursued developing a conversation with me, teaching me to hear His voice.

When I think about the woman who just wanted to be healed after 12 years of suffering but Jesus demonstrated His healing came with His heart, so He looked at her and called her daughter, I see a God who accepts me as daughter in spite of my flaws, in spite of my mistakes.

When I think about how Jesus restored the widow of Nain, offered forgiveness to an adulterer, welcomed a prostitute, wept with Mary and Martha, I see a loving, caring, approachable Heavenly Father. I see Abba.

Friends, the writer of Hebrews encourages us to go boldly into his throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16). John entreats us to go confidently (I John 5:14), knowing He hears us. I encourage you today to go as a son, as a daughter, knowing He delights in you.

See Him waiting for you with arms opened wide, His eyes filled with loved, His smile beaming with delight. He is waiting to offer grace, not judgment. Acceptance never rejection. Let His mercy kiss you today.

Run into Daddy’s arms today!

“So now we come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:16‬ ‭TPT‬