But At Your Word

They were professional fisherman. From experience, from, from being taught by their fathers, they knew the right time to cast their nets for the ultimate catch. They were also well acquainted with good catches and meager catches. Today had been a meager catch. So they called it a day. I can hear Peter calling it, “Men, today is not our day. Let’s clean the nets and head home to our families.”

But then Jesus showed up.

After laboring and catching nothing, after the prime fishing hour had past, after all hope for a good catch that day was gone, Jesus made a request. “Pull off shore and let me teach.” Tired, frustrated, ready to go home, Simon obeyed. I’m sure that first request was difficult for Simon but the 2nd caused Simon to object. The second request made no sense. It was contrary to everything Simon had been taught as a fisherman. But Simon’s response needs to be all of our responses when God speaks. “But at your word, I will.”

Lessons Learned:
1. We cannot allow past failures to dictate our future. We have to live with the hope, this time will be better.
2. We cannot allow common sense to prevent us from experiencing uncommon grace. We must live with an expectation of the supernatural.
3. Learn to obey God in the small things. Jesus’ first request, while perhaps uncomfortable for Simon did not require much of a people known for their hospitality. We must obey even when we are tired, frustrated, disappointed.
4. God is notorious for asking us to do things that doesn’t make sense in the natural. It’s okay to state your objections but do it anyway. We need to be radically obedient to God.
5. There is a net-breaking, overflow, more than enough, others will share blessing waiting when we obey God.

What is God calling you to do today that doesn’t make sense in the natural? Yes, it takes faith. Others may laugh at you, criticize you, look at you like you are crazy. But if you keep your eyes on Jesus, ignore the naysayers not only will you experience a blessing, you will find your calling. Simon’s biggest blessing was not the net-breaking catch. It was his commission as an Apostle, an evangelist, a church builder.

Will you obey radically today?

“He saw two boats by the lake, but the fishermen had gotten out of them and were washing their nets.

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing! But at your word I will lower the nets.” When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets started to tear.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭5:2, 4-6‬ ‭NET‬‬


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