Unfinished Pages

I am preaching tomorrow at the Belonging Women’s Conference. I’m excited and nervous at the same time.

For about the last six months, I have been struggling to find a sense of belonging in one area of my life. I have been hurt and rejected yet not released by God to leave. “Stay,” He has consistently instructed.

I feel like an Old Testament prophet, asked to do something difficult to represent a prophetic act.

So tomorrow, I will preach from what I am learning in this process. I will share about God’s faithfulness in the process. I will share what God has promised will be the end result, before I see it with my own eyes.

Do you understand why I am nervous?

I like to preach after a chapter has been written, edited, and ready for publication. I like to share after the battle has been won, when the heartache is a memory, and the victory lap is finished.

But this time God is challenging me.

Share your story in the middle of the chapter.
Preach a word of encouragement while your heart is still raw.
Preach victory while you are still hoping, still faithing, still believing.
Share your unedited, raw, story while the race is still being run and see what I, Father God, will do.

I am trusting that the God who never wastes a single tear or a single heartache, will preach a powerful message through me tomorrow. I trust those who hear tomorrow will be equipped and emboldened to overcome past hurts, to recover from past rejections, to persevere to healing. I believe God is going to use my unfinished chapter to help others finish theirs.

Are you in the middle of a chapter? Are you waiting for the healing to manifest, the prodigal to come home, the finances restored? Are you waiting to see how this chapter ends? Begin to testify now! Share your unedited pages. Someone needs to hear your unfinished story. Turn your mess into a powerful message of hope. Turn your test into a testimony of His faithfulness.

Don’t wait for the battle to be won, preach now!

Y’all, please pray for me.

PS: It’s not to late to sign up. It begins at two but it’s okay to come late. I’m speaking around 6:30. Sign up here: