What lies do the enemy tell you when you are in the middle of a storm?
I’m being punished for a sin. I’m not forgiven. I’m not loved by God. I am destined to fail. I’m not a good mother, Christian, employee, person. I’m not a good steward of my finances.
Notice all of those statements start with I. The enemy always causes us to look at our insufficiencies; our shortcomings. But Truth is found when we focus on the cross.
Jesus came, walked sinlessly upon this earth so that He could be the perfect spotless lamb. He endured the atrocities of the cross, rejection, beatings, ridicule with grace and dignity. He who had not sinned became our sin. Jesus was the PERFECT sacrifice.
Jesus’ sacrifice covered ALL of our sins therefore:
We are not being punished for our sins or the sins of our ancestors. Jesus’ sacrifice was perfect.
I’m forgiven from ALL sins because Jesus bore my sins. Jesus’ sacrifice was perfect.
I am loved and accepted by God because the Father sees me through the blood of Jesus. Jesus’ sacrifice was perfect.
I am destined to win because Jesus overcame death and the grave and I am conjoined with Jesus. I am seated in heavenly places. Jesus’ sacrifice was perfect.
I am equipped for every good work because Jesus has made me sufficient in Him. Jesus’ sacrifice was perfect.
Storms are inevitable. Some arise because of our bad mistakes. Some come because we live in a fallen world. Some come because we have a very real enemy. But whatever the reason, the outcome is the same: We Win.
Face your storm with no regrets, no accusations, no fear, knowing you are loved, forgiven, accepted, enough in Jesus. But most importantly knowing, Jesus’ sacrifice was perfect; therefore You Win!
“For by that one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy. Then he says, “I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds.” And when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices.”
Hebrews 10:14, 17-18 NLT