Have you ever been disappointed? Have you ever been angry with God? Have you ever prayed for a loved one but they went to Jesus anyway, contended for a child, but they went further into darkness, had faith you would get that job, but you are still unemployed? Have you ever been disappointed?
We all have had times when we cried out like the psalmist: Has the Lord rejected me forever? Will he never again be kind to me? Is his unfailing love gone forever? Have his promises permanently failed? Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he slammed the door on his compassion? Interlude (Psalms 77:7-9 NLT)
I have had times when it seemed all hope was gone, when I thought it was the end, when I was ready to turn my back on God. But this one thought has always brought me back, “Where else can I go? Who else can I trust?” Hope is found in Him alone. So I resolved as the Psalmist resolved:
But then I recall all you have done, O LORD; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works. O God, your ways are holy. Is there any god as mighty as you? You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations. (Psalms 77:11-14 NLT)
Are you disappointed with God? We all have been there but I encourage you not to stay there. In the midst of your disappointment recall the goodness of God. Trust He can redeem and restore any situation. He can turn your mourning into dancing. He is making a road through the sea, a pathway through the stormy waters. Allow Him to restore your Hope. After all, where else can you go? Who else can you trust?