Yesterday at church, I envisioned God and I dancing together. It was beautiful. He and I in step dancing a beautifully choreographed dance. My father and I danced. He led. I followed. I was not self-conscious of my lack of dance skills. I just followed his lead.
As I watched us dance, I was in perfect peace. All I wanted at that moment was to dance with God. To have Him pick me up , hold me in his arms as He twirled me around. I didn’t care about the worries I had walked into the building carrying. Nothing was more importantly at that moment than the dance.
My friend next to me turned and gave me a powerful prophetic word from God. It confirmed my deepest heart’s desire. Then another friend leaned over and also gave me a powerful prophetic word that spoke to the “How” of the word my other friend had just given.
I received both of the words but I said to God, “Lord, thank you but I just want to dance. I thought the other stuff was important but I just want this moment. Here, dancing with you.”
God said to me, “That is the dance, my daughter. When you are at work, teaching, we are dancing. When you are writing, we are dancing. When you are preaching and teaching the Word, we are dancing. When you are praying for others, we are dancing. I long to dance with you, My Daughter.”
I encourage you to see yourself dancing with God. As you go to work, or fold laundry, or clean the bathroom know it’s all steps in the dance. When you pray for the sick, encourage someone, or give generously you and Abba are doing a waltz. He’s holding you in His strong arms, allowing you to stand on his feet like every good Father does at a Father-Daughter dance. He is twirling you around, making you laugh and leading you into a deeper revelation of His love for you. The God of the Universe chose You as His dance partner.
Oh, it’s a beautiful dance. Enjoy the dance!
“Then young women will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.”
Jeremiah 31:13 NIV