Count it Joy!

🎶 “Count it all joy when the world starts crashing. Hold your head up and keep on dancing.” 🎶 Alright -MercyMe This song has been my anthem this year. But yesterday the phrase, “Count it all joy,” just permeated my soul. Can I just be honest my Facebook friends? “I’m weary.” I’m weary of remote learning. I’m weary of not seeing my children. I’m weary of the political divide. I’m...


We all, whether black or white, Jew or Gentile, male or female are where we are today because of strong women. Women who endured hardships, persecution and being considered second class citizens. Women who were denied opportunities simply because of their gender. Women who sacrificed for their children, submitted to their husbands while stifling their own dreams. Strong women. Beautiful women. Devalued women. The History of man is incomplete without...