Jesus was going to walk right by them. They were struggling against the winds. The storm was raging. They were in distress, Jesus saw their struggle, yet He intended to walk past them. The disciples were so involved in their struggles, they were so focused on their pain, on the raging storm, they didn’t recognize Jesus, their friend and teacher as He walked by. So the two met – the...
Above and Beyond
My post yesterday talked about a pastor who was asking his followers to support him in buying a $65M jest. On my Facebook feed, there was a great discussion on giving, and differentiating between our wants and needs. I want to go back to that point this morning because I believe God is calling us to change our way of thinking about resources. I think God wants us to think...
Purposefully Planted
I’m taking a class on Prayer Evangelism. The premise is to pray for your neighbors, and fellowship with your neighbors before preaching the gospel. I agree 100% with the premise thus far. But my problem is that I don’t know my neighbors and I really don’t care to know my neighbors. They seem like nice people and the few I have talked to profess Christ. It’s just that I’m working,...
Remove the Stone
It had to be a dramatic moment. Sadness. Hopelessness. Disappointment. Mourning. The atmosphere was saturated with these emotions. The people cried. Jesus cried. In that moment a decision had to be made that would Forever change the lives of two sisters. Jesus was about to perform one of His most significant, most astounding miracle of His Ministry (second only to His own resurrection)…raise a man from the grave after four...
Test Taking Skills
Have you ever asked these questions when going through a difficult season? ““Will the Lord reject forever? Will he never show his favor again? Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger withheld his compassion?”” Psalm 77:7-9 NIV In the struggle, sometimes it’s hard to remember God’s faithfulness but remember we must. As a teacher,...
Jehovah Jireh – The Lord Who Provides
Once again Abraham is asked to do the impossible – sacrifice his Son, his child of promise. He willingly obeyed. Paul would later tell us it’s because Abraham believed God was able to resurrect Isaac from the dead. Abraham was willing to give it all away because of the simple belief, “The Lord will Provide.” We all have experienced that nudge from God to do this or that but yet...
No Limits
Do we limit God by our limited thinking? Could it be that God wants to do great and mighty things through us and for us, but we are limited by our reasoning? God wanted to establish His covenant through Abraham and his wife Sarah. Both were old. Sarah was beyond childbearing years. It seemed impossible. Abraham laughed at the prospect and then presented God with a logical, safe alternative. Perhaps,...
Don’t Fear Birthing Ishmael
It had been 10 years. Abraham had left what was familiar. Had traveled to a foreign land. Accumulated wealth. Fought some battles. But still did not have what he desired most of all, what had been promised to him four times, an heir. I understand why Sara and Abraham did what they did. Ten years is a long time to wait for a promise, especially when biological clocks are ticking...
What Day Is It?
“Rebuild the temple,” God commanded. They began but obstacles, accusations, jealousy, stopped the work. Sixteen years later, God speaks again. This time with a command and a promise: Build my house and I am with you. What has God called you to do but fear, accusations, obstacles have caused the work to cease? What are you waiting for? The resources? The stars to align? Validation from your leadership? The right...
Walking in the Thrillified
This morning I awake with many thoughts running through my head, feeling many emotions. But God in His Fatherly manner, had already prepared for me to read Philippians 4. So this morning His Fatherly advice to me is this: 1. Rejoice – have fun! Celebrate this moment. Have fun being who I have called you to be and doing what I have called you to do! 2. Pray about all...