Last summer, I discovered I had a brother. His name is Larry. He visited for Thanksgiving and I adore him. In discovering my brother, I also discovered some unpleasant facts about my dad. As the details unfolded, I was angry with my dad. I was disappointed in him. I felt shame. After some serious time in prayer and with the Holy Spirit, I came to three revelations: 1. I do...
Too Wonderful?
I heard a story of a couple separating because of infidelity. I immediately assumed it was the husband. I began to judge the husband in my heart. I assumed the worst about him. Now, does that make me a man hating sexist? No. But because I kind of didn’t like the husband before and I assumed men cheat more than women, I created a narrative in my head that was...
The Challenge – Week 9 Day 3
America is divided this morning. Divided like I have never seen in my lifetime. But as Christian, we have an amazing opportunity. We have the opportunity to lay down our political ideals, our denominational ideals and truly be a balm in this nation. We have the opportunity to spread the knowledge of God in these trying times. Let us not draw lines based on supporting a person but let us...
FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out. It’s a term that has been coined over the last couple of years. I have to admit FOMO has raised its ugly little head several times this year as I have stepped down from leadership at my local church. I felt it this weekend as many women from my church are off at a Women’s Retreat but despite my desire to go, I had...