An Invite for the Impossible

When God calls us to do the impossible it’s an incredible invitation, an invitation to co-labor with God for a miracle. It’s an invitation to see the goodness of the Lord up close and personal. It’s an invitation to stretch our faith, and see more of the glory of God. It’s an invitation to be wowed by the love, the goodness, the generosity of God! Our initial response to Jesus’...

God’s Extravagance

It started with a dream. “Let’s give away 50 bags of groceries and 50 turkeys for Thanksgiving in a low income neighborhood,” one of my friends suggested. I laughed. It was a sarcastic laugh. Sort of like Sarah’s laugh when God announced she would give birth past her child bearing age. But I dared to dream. I dared to believed. I dared to trust. And as we stepped out in...