In year’s past, I have asked God for a word for the New Year. I didn’t this year. But God gave me one this morning anyway. The Word? Prosper. I know “prosper” is a four letter word in some Christian circles. But prosperity was God’s original intent for His children: “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He...
The Master Repurposer
With the popularity of Home Improvement shows and websites like Pinterest, Repurpose has become a popular term in our society. Repurpose – take something that is old, outdated, and unwanted and give it a make over and a new purpose. I was thinking this morning how God is the Master “Repurposer”. He can takes things that were designed to harm us, belittle us, break us and uses them to benefit,...
Moving Forward
As God transitioned the nation of Israel from Moses’ leadership to Joshua’s, he did not change the ultimate goal. The goal was still the promised land. The season changed. The promised remained. Change is not easy. But all great moves of God require a change, a shift, a repositioning. Is God repositioning you? When God brings you into a new season, He reminds you of the promise. He told Joshua,...
It’s a New Day!
Today begins a new semester. New students. New lessons. One of the things I like about teaching is that you can start over again every 18 weeks. You get to learn from past mistakes, rejoice in your past successes but start over again, move forward. The kingdom of God is like that as well. Everyday, you can choose to start again. You get to learn from yesterday’s mistakes and move...