Reading of the Will

I am a child of “the” promise. This verse caused me to pause this morning and ask, “What promise?” We are children of Abraham, grafted into the family by the blood of Jesus. What God spoke to Abraham belongs to us today. It is our inheritance. It is our blood right obtained by the obedient sacrifice of Jesus. Let’s read the will this morning as a reminder: “The Lord had...


The daughters of Zelophehad, five women, who recognized the unfairness in the inheritance laws and petitioned for a change (Numbers 27). They were pioneers in the women’s rights movement. It was their story that inspired me to pursue my spiritual inheritance. Their story, became my story, when I refused to believe women could not, should not teach, lead, prophesy. Like these women, I refused to take no for an answer....


If we are in Christ, then we are Abraham seed and therefore an heir. What did we inherit? 1. We are a member of the Body of Christ, a great nation. We have brothers and sisters in Africa, Asia, South America and all around the world. We inherited an international family. (Genesis 12:2) 2. We are blessed to be a blessing. God has equipped us with every spiritual blessing. (Genesis...

Claiming Your Inheritance

The daughters of Zelophehad is an obscure story in the OT that fascinates. The first time I took note of this scripture was about 10 years ago. I was struggling because my gift set – prophecy, teaching, leading, were considered for men only by some. So I struggled with my desire to walk in my gifts. I wandered “What was wrong with me because I wanted to do what was...