
Apostle Paul encouraged us to “be eager to prophesy.” I want to increase my prophetic voice in 2021. Do you? Here are a five suggestions from scripture: 1. Love. Love ALL people. Democrats, Republicans, believers, non-believers, people of different faiths, immigrants. Love. Paul said, “Let love be your highest goal.(I Corinthians 14:1)” God is love. He speaks love. He communicates in love. If we want to speak on His behalf...

Follow the Peace

”How do I know if it is God’s will?” I’m often asked. My formula: 1. Does it fit the criteria of Philippians 4:8? Is it good, excellent, praiseworthy, honorable, admirable? 2. Does it agree with the call on your Life in this season? 3. Do you have peace? If the answer is yes. Then go for it. This morning I read Acts 16. Paul and his team were going to...


I love that the God of the universe, talks to me. He talks to all of His children. One of the lies of the enemy, is that God doesn’t speak or if He does, it’s only to an elite group of people. Nonsense. God speaks all the time, to all of His children, after all, He is the Word of God. God speaks through His Word. Through Nature. Through Dreams....