Faith that Pleases God

I’ve been meditating on this scripture the last two mornings: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 NKJV Steven Furtick said, “Faith is God’s love language.” I want to speak God’s love language. As I meditate on this scripture, I’m asking God, what does...

What the Heck?

Have you ever got mad with God for answering your prayer? Is it just me? The other day, a friend was experiencing a major crisis. We prayed together and BOOM! The next morning our prayers were answered. Now, while I was excited and happy for my friend and we rejoiced in the Lord together, I have to admit, I was a little like, “God, what the heck?” I have been...

I Quit…Not

“I quit!” Have you ever told this to God? I have. Never in the sense I quit believing in Him. But I have said, I quit believing for this promise I quit loving and honoring people who don’t reciprocate I quit showing grace when I just want to slap somebody upside their head. I quit extending forgiveness to people only to have them do it again. I quit dreaming big...

We Win!

The King of Assyria was a bully. His army had invaded nations. Like locust, his army had decimated kingdoms, plundering their goods and killing thousands. And now, this vast army was threatening King Hezekiah and the nation of Judah. They sent messages bragging how they were going to destroy Judah. They mocked King Hezekiah’s reliance and trust in God. “What makes you think your God can save you. No other...

The Fight is Rigged

How to Win an Impossible Battle Jehoshaphat was a good king. But that did not stop three powerful nations from banding together and declaring war against him. Their armies were vast. Powerful. Skilled in war. Jehoshaphat was the underdog….but God specializes in turning underdogs to Top Dogs. What can we learn from Jehoshaphat this morning? 1. Inquire of the Lord. When news came of the impending danger, Jehoshaphat’s first response...

The Storm

We delayed our departure because of the storm. We literally circled the airport, flying aimlessly for an hour because of the effects of the storm. Once we landed, we waited hours for our connecting flight because of the storm. Finally we landed at our destination in the wee hours of the morning. Tired. Inconvenienced. Frustrated. Because of the storm. We landed safely because we wisely decided to fly above the...

We Are The Body

I awoke yesterday morning to a text from my “spiritual” daughter that she was being transported to the hospital. She asked me to pray. For almost a year, she and I have been contending for her health. We have declared and rebuked. So yesterday, when she texted, my heart was faint. I could not pray. I had no words. I could not declare or offer words of wisdom. So I...


“He took Jesus at His Word.” That phrase stood out to me this morning as I was reading. This bible describes this man as a Royal Government official. He had clout, influence, wealth. I imagine he was self-reliant and powerful. But with all of his earthly authority and money, he could not heal his son. He humbled himself and this rich, influential, government official found himself at the mercy of...

Faithful to the Call or the Position?

Yesterday, we read the story of Jephthah. He was rejected by his brothers because of his mother’s transgression, He was denied his inheritance and exiled from his land. But nonetheless Jephthah prospered in his new land. Now, the rest of the story…. Jephthah did not allow his brother’s rejection to alter the call on his life. He was a man of valor regardless if it were at home or in...

Celebrated Not Tolerated

Jephthah was ordained by God to be a mighty man of valor. But he had one problem. His mom was a harlot. His dad had other sons by a respectable woman but Jephthah was judged not for his mistake but his mom’s. He was labeled by his brothers, “The son of another.” His brothers drove him away. Denied him of his inheritance. Jephthah left. Gave up His inheritance. He went...