Nothing is Impossible

“Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭19:26‬ ‭NLT This was Jesus’ response to the disciples question, “Who can be saved?” You may read this and think, it is possible for every person to go to heaven because of God. While that is true, it’s not complete. Saved is “Sozo”. It means to protect, to heal, to prosper,...

Life Lesson: Encourage Someone

Last night my school had an Open House. Parents were invited to come speak to their teachers from 4:30 – 7:00 pm. I was not looking forward to this. I dreaded the 12 hour workday. I dreaded sitting around for 2 1/2 hours doing nothing because I knew many of my parents weren’t coming. Sure enough, I had only a hand full of parents attend but God gave me opportunity...

It’s Yours

It’s scary. It’s big. It’s beyond your wildest imagination. Thinking of it makes you shudder in awe. Envisioning it makes your mouth drop in wonder. Speaking of it makes you humble yourself before God. What is this amazing, awesome, beautiful thing? It’s your destiny. It is the plans God has for you to give you hope and a future. So how do we embrace something so much bigger than ourselves?...

Be Content

We all have that friend. You know, the Pinterest Queen. Their homes perfectly decorated for the holidays, homemade cookies always freshly baked waiting as you enter, and her kids are wearing perfectly clean matching Christmas outfits. And then there is you. Half decorated tree, store bought stale cookies, and struggling to keep a diaper on little Tommy. Can anyone relate? Whether you are Ms. Perfect, Ms. Struggling to hang a...

Write Your Story

Winston Churchill said, “History is written by the victors.” When you read Hebrews Chapter 11, that is certainly true. When God told Abraham’s and Sarah’s story, he omitted the Ishmael, the time they both laughed at the promise, the two times Abraham lied and said Sarah was his sister to protect himself, and the mistreatment of Hagar. God only wrote of their obedience, their faith, their victory. The legacy of...

God’s Joy

Yesterday in worship, a powerful word went forth about breaking chains. It began with a word about physical healing but I needed healing from some “heart issues”, so I received accordingly. At the end, our worship leader began to declare, “The Joy of the Lord is my Strength.” I asked the Holy Spirit, “What does that mean?” He replied, “God’s joy is your strength.” Lately, the Holy Spirit has been...


What is on your heart to accomplish? Write the next great American Novel? Compose a symphony? Preach the gospel in a foreign land? Feed the poor? Unite the nations? Or maybe you are like me lately, just trying to find the self-control to eat healthy and wash the dishes. But God has given me everything I need to be successful in this life, to fulfill my dreams, and live a...

The Divine Encourager

It’s 2:49 am and BAM I’m awake. I tossed and turned for a bit, but couldn’t  go back to sleep. I started thinking about someone who I admire and then suddenly realized I was jealous of her. Now, this was not the enemy because I didn’t feel guilt or condemnation just puzzled. I wanted to discern the feeling behind this jealousy. So I asked the Holy Spirit. Now as most...