
We are a workmanship, a masterpiece of art, uniquely crafted by the Father. We are an epistles, a poem, an epic love story written for the world to read. Each of us valuable. Each of us necessary. Each of us with a purpose.

Now the enemy knows how valuable and powerful we are. He knows how much damage we could do to the kingdom of darkness if we ever had a revelation of our God-given purpose. So he attacks us in two ways:

1. Lies and accusations. He feeds us lies about who we truly are and accuses us with past mistakes. Both are designed to disqualify us from the work at hand. He wants us to feel unworthy and therefore become inactive and ineffective.

2. Distractions. He sends problems our way so that we stop focusing on the things of God and began focusing inwardly. Our focus becomes more about getting our needs met rather than the bigger picture – advancing the Kingdom of God.

Let us not be unaware of his schemes. Let us recognize his tactics and combat them with truth. This will require we step out in faith as he is taunting us with lies of inadequacy. It will require we lay hands on others when we may need someone to lay hands on us. It means we persevere through tears, through doubt, through difficulty. It means that every morning, we stand tall, hands on hips, capes flowing and declare, “I am God’s masterpiece, created for good works specifically designed to advanced the kingdom of God. Let’s roll!”

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭NKJV

More revelation on our identity will be given at the Triumphantly Free Women’s Conference. Click here to sign up!

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