A New Commandment
Jesus is about to be betrayed by his good friend, denied by one of his best friends, abandoned by his closest friends, rejected by those He came to save. In this moment he reveals a new commandment. His death and resurrection fulfilled the old law and He was issuing one new commandment.
Are you ready? Jesus before He faced the cross commanded us to: “Love one another.” That’s it. As New Testament believers, that’s our one command.
We were not commanded to be biblical scholars, or defenders of truth, or to speak out on injustice. No the command was simple: Love one another.
We have equated the word love with agree. We were not called to agree with each other but to LOVE EACH OTHER. I can disagree with your theology on speaking in tongues and still love you. I can disagree with your behavior and still love you.
Come on church, let us be the example for the world. Let us follow the one command given to us: Let us love one another. Let us love those we disagree with and love those who may hurt us. Let us love like Jesus. Let us be known as people who love.
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:34-35 NLT)