Let’s Eat!

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Vindication. That is my word during this season. Apparently, it was David’s as well. David was a warrior, a born fighter. But when the attacks were personal – as with his mentor, Saul and his son, Absalom – David trusted God would vindicate him.

When David came to the the end of his life, he could confidently proclaim: The good Shepherd prepared a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. God vindicated me.

We know our true enemies are not people, although our enemy uses people’s insecurities, their hurts, their fears, their greed to hurt us. (I have been used by the enemy more times than I care to admit.) Our enemy is any spirit that attempts to bind us, shut us up, make us more narrow. But God says, it’s okay because I’m going to make your enemies watch as a I fatten you up.

The word anoint means to fatten, to prosper. Anointing, prosperity begins with our mind. As we renew our mind in His Word, prosperity follows. As we renew our minds, we enjoy the feast that has been prepared for us. Notice, our enemies are not removed. Our circumstances may not change immediately but because of our anointed heads, we are focused on and enjoy the feast. Our enemies will get tired of watching us enjoy ourselves and eventually leave.

But the good Shepherd doesn’t stop there. No, He causes our cup to overflow! We invite others to the table of freedom to sit next to us. We show others how to enjoy the feast despite their circumstances.

Has someone hurt you, betrayed you, tried to shut you up, tried to keep you bound? Allow God to vindicate you. Allow God to make right the wrong you suffered. You job is simply to enjoy the banquet feast in the presence of your enemies. You job is to allow the Holy Spirit to renew your mind as you read the word. God will vindicate you.

Let’s feast!