It Is Finished!

I was commenting on the humility of a former student, R. Another student said, “Well M is also humble. Even though she makes an A on most tests, she still worries about her grade and thinks she didn’t do well.”

I looked at M (she is a former student and we have a great relationship) and said, “That’s not being humble. That’s being neurotic.”

Then I thought about us as Christians. We sing songs like “It is Well”, that declares, “Our sin, not in part but the whole was nailed to the cross.”

Yet when difficult times come, we wonder what sin is God punishing me for. Ummm none, since ALL of it was nailed to the cross.

We make mistakes and think we have to go through some ritual to be forgiven. Ummm, that mistake was covered on the cross.

We blame generational curses for our lot in life but our ancestors’ sins and our sins were covered on the cross.

Humility agrees with God and Jesus’ atoning work on the cross. Neurosis daily questions if His sacrifice was enough. Humility agrees with Jesus when He said, “It was finished.” Neurosis says, “I have to do something to help Jesus help me.”

The Gospel message sounds too good to be true. But humility is when we believe in Jesus and accept that it was truly finished that day on the cross! Now we stand …


“When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”
‭‭John‬ ‭19:30‬ ‭NIV‬‬