“It’s my money and I want it now,” we hear the commercial proclaim. It resonates in our Spirit. We want that quick blessing, that instant miracle, that fast fix from God. But sometimes, as the song says, “He’s in the waiting.”
Recently, I went to God with a problem, nothing major but I was not experiencing Kingdom blessings in an area. The still small voice of God gave me instructions. I began to do what God instructed but I have yet to see the fruit. Do I stop. Do I just say, “well that must have just been me and not God?” Or do I persevere?
Because we live in such a microwave society, we expect the Lord to “perform” on our time line. But God does not change to fit our societal norms. He wants to do something far better in us than the fast fixes we desire. He wants wants to cultivate intimacy, build our faith, and make us dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. He wants to teach us how to persevere.
So no, I will not stop. I will continue to walk in obedience to what God asked me to do. I will persevere. I trust the Word of God, I trust the voice of God. I know I will reap a blessing if I do not give up. In due time, as the song says, “God’s going to turn it around; it’s going to work in my favor.” It is my blessing and I will receive it in due time!
“So we must not grow weary in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9 NET