This morning I awake before my alarm goes off. And so I’m lying in bed thinking about the Healing Service we are having at our church this Sunday. While I am excited about attending, part of me doubts if I will be healed. I know God heals. He has healed me countless times. I have prayed for people and He has healed them. My doubt does not come from theology but from experience.
I have never been healed in a healing service although I know many who have. I have been declaring healing for my knees for about 5 years but the pain remains. So I find myself reticent to believe, not wanting to get my hopes up.
But when I opened my bible this morning, this was the first thing I read: “He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.”
Do I have lack of faith? Am I allowing my past to dictate my future? Am I allowing my experiences to speak louder than my theology?
So my prayer this morning is simple, “God increase my faith. Give me a holy expectation of what you are going to do not just this Sunday but in my future. Eradicate my doubt with your promises. Let your voice speak louder than my doubts. Remind me of your goodness.” My declaration this morning is “I have mountain moving faith. By His stripes, I am healed and whole. I lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.”
I encourage you to join us this Sunday at 6:00 at Hope Chapel. Come with expectations. Come with doubts. Bring your pains, your disappointments. Come like the father who approached Jesus. Come saying, “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.”