Give Me Liberty

Is it better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness?
Is it better to be hopeless than take a chance and be disappointed?
Is it better to stay in the boat than drown walking on water?
Is it better to live in obscurity than face persecution for your conviction?
Is it better to keep tradition with the crowd than try something new alone.
Is it better to be comfortable than walk-in the uncomfortableness of the unknown?

If you are going to make a difference in this life,
If you want to see your dreams fulfilled,
If you want to leave a legacy,
If you want to live a life of significance,
If you want to influence a generation,
If you want to be free indeed

You must recognize

Death lost I t’s sting on the cross.
Those who look to Him are never disappointed.
He will not allow you to drown. He is with you in the water.
Persecution is inevitable but so is His love, redemption, and restoration.
You are never alone. He will never forsake you.
You have The Comforter within you.

Equipped with this revelation, then you must

Dare to leave your captors (fear, sin, hopelessness, addictions, toxic relationships).
Hope again. Dream again. Envision again.
Get out of the boat.
Find your voice.
Choose the path not yet traveled.
Walk into the unknown.

Because yes, I would rather die pursuing freedom than live as a slave. I would rather be temporarily disappointed than forever hopeless. I would rather walk on water for a few minutes than never get out of the boat. I would rather be unliked and unfriended by a few than loose my voice and the ability to influence the many. I would rather walk alone in my uniqueness than be in a crowd where I could not be myself. And absolutely yes, I would rather be uncomfortable and rely on the Holy Spirit to bring me peace, boldness, and comfort than to be satisfied with anything less than God’s best for my life!

Do you want to be free? Do you want to do what is necessary to be free?

“Didn’t we tell you this would happen while we were still in Egypt? We said, ‘Leave us alone! Let us be slaves to the Egyptians. It’s better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness!’”” Exodus‬ ‭14:12‬ ‭NLT‬