The word God has given me for this year is “Dream in 2016.”
Prophets whom I respect have had similar words for the year and it has been spoken over me twice in the last few moments. What I see are the prayers you have prayed for years, things you have forgotten about, things you have put on the back burner of your mind, converging together and coming to past in 2016. I see things accelerating. I see us running through open doors from blessing to blessing.
Recall when the angel came to John the Baptist’s father and said your prayers have been answered. Some believe the correct translation is, “the prayers you no longer pray have been answered.” What have you stopped praying about? What dreams have you stopped dreaming. I believe the Lord is calling us back to our first love. What were you heart’s desires?
I’m going to be vulnerable here and tell you my ministry dreams for me for 2016. I have dreams for my family but I’m writing those separately.
1. I dream of getting a devotional & Bible study self-published. (Both of those should happen shortly.)
2. I dream of finishing a book on our identity in Christ and having it published.
3. I dream of going to India on a mission’s trip.
4. I dream of equipping and encouraging the body of Christ nationally and internationally through speaking engagements and writing.
5. I dream of mentoring women to help set them free from depression, oppression, condemnation, guilt and shame.
6. I dream of equipping people to better hear God’s voice and to walk in the prophetic.
7. I dream of ministering in a greater anointing in the prophetic, hearing His voice clearer, seeing what He sees and communicating His heart to people so that they will know His love and know He loves them.
8. I dream of writing a set of stories called, “Her Stories” and have them turned into a play or movie.
What are your dreams? Write them. Share them. Believe in them. Ask God to grant your dreams. Come on, dream with me in 2016!
May he grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed. (Psalms 20:4 NLT)