Seven years in captivity. Seven years hiding in caves and dens. Seven years of being plundered and abused. Seven years of fear and hopelessness.
But then, an angel of the Lord appeared to an unlikely hero. He appeared to a man with little self-esteem, who was fearful, hiding in cave and gave him a promise:
“The LORD said to him, “Peace to you, do not fear; you shall not die.” Then Gideon built an altar there to the LORD and named it The LORD is Peace.” Judges 6:23-24a NASB
Chaos surrounded Gideon. Family and friends worshipped other God’s. The Midianites were ravaging the land but God spoke peace to Gideon’s heart. Before God changed his circumstances, he changed Gideon’s heart.
What chaos is surrounding you? What bad news have you received? What disappointment are you dealing with? What circumstance is demanding your attention? In the midst of the chaos, The Lord is Peace. Often before we experience external peace, we need to secure an internal peace.
When God spoke peace to Gideon, it empowered him to change the nation’s circumstances. If you read the story you see Gideon was still fearful but God’s peace empowered him to move forward even though he was afraid.
Friends, The Lord is Peace. Give him your fears, your worries, your disappointments. Allow His peace to rule your heart. Find internal peace and allow that peace to emboldened you to change your circumstances. The Lord is Peace. Walk in it today.