
Christian artist’s, Toby Mac, son dies at 21. My Christian friend’s Daughter is making bad life choices. My heart is heavy for both situations.

So I look to God and in my sadness asked, “Why are Christians not exempt from stuff like this? Why even be a Christian?”

Now before you get all sanctimonious and vow never to read my posts again, let me remind you of two things. First, it’s okay to grieve and to question. We just can’t live there. Second, God can handle our questions even if they appear irreverent, even if they are asked in fear, even if they are like the questions of a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.

God lovingly and gently answered my question:

“Baby girl, I NEVER promised you would not experience heartache, difficulties and trouble. The promise was and is when you go through the fire, I am there with you. I will never leave you or forsake you. The promise was and is you are an overcomer and victorious in Me. The promise was and is greater is My presence and My power dwelling within you than any circumstance, any heartache, any difficulty, any trouble you may face.”

If you expected to give your heart to Jesus and then go on and lead a perfect life with all blue skies and green lights, I’m sorry to disappoint. Life is hard. We all, Christians and non-Christians, will come face to face with a storm. The differentiation is how we face the storm.

We face storms with confidence, with assurance that God is in the storm with us. We face it knowing we have authority over the storm. We face our storms knowing we have power to still the raging storm.

Why should I even be a Christian? For His presence. For the power. For the authority. For the Hope. For the Love. For the assured victory.

I can’t imagine experiencing this life without the love and power of God.

“And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world!””
‭‭John‬ ‭16:33‬ ‭TPT‬‬