Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge. God granted his request. Solomon became the wisest, riches man in the earth. His wisdom was renowned and Israel was at peace during his reign. Yet with all the Lord had given Him, Solomon was lead stray because he loved foreign women.
At the end of his life, Solomon had over 800 wives and concubines. These women led his heart away from the one true God and he began worshipping their gods.
His wisdom knowledge and wealth were not enough to keep his heart turned to God.
As New Testament believers, we have another piece of the puzzle Solomon, in all his wisdom did not have. We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Paul encourages us to be led by the Holy Spirit so that we will not satisfy our old nature. We have the Holy Spirit to guard us into all truth, comfort us when we mourn and yes, lead us in paths of righteousness. Our responsibility is to listen to that still small voice, to be led by His prompting.
So this morning, I am asking for wisdom and knowledge but I am also that I will be more sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. I have so much to do this month, I need His wisdom, I need His knowledge but most importantly I need to quiet myself and hear His still voice. I need the Holy Spirit to show me what is not visible to the natural eye.
Pray with me: “Father give unto me wisdom and knowledge to do all that you called me to do. Thank you that you have put your Holy Spirit within me. I want to be led by your Holy Spirit. Let me not get ahead of you but make me tender to your leading. Let everything I put my hands to prosper and succeed. Give me the right words to speak that will lead others to a greater revelation of your love. Bless me Lord that I may bless others. Amen.”
“Give me the wisdom and knowledge to lead them properly, for who could possibly govern this great people of yours?””
2 Chronicles 1:10 NLT
“So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.”
Galatians 5:16 NLT