Favor to Change the World

Your favor is not just for you. Joseph’s family received favor because of Joseph. A nation survived because of Joseph. If you are Caucasian, use your favor to promote unity, to advocate for equality for people of color, to build bridges. If you are male, use your favor to rage against misogyny, to advocate for equality for women, to stop bullies. If you are female, use your favor to silence...

He’s Intentional

Jesus HAD to go through Samaria. Jesus HAD to stay at Zaccheus’ house. Both the Samaritans and Zaccheus were considered chief sinners. Both were despised by the religious elite. Proper Jewish men would never be caught dead interacting or having dinner with the likes of them. But Jesus intentionally sought out, made a point to sit down and have a meal with those his community deemed sinners. Friends, reconciliation requires...

Past Defining Present

Wednesday, my beautiful, smart, precocious five year old niece was called the “N” word by a classmate. Yes, in 2018 this is still the reality of African-American parents.(Please don’t respond how you were teased on the playground. We all were. The difference is we have had to deal with normal teasing AND this crap.) The anger I felt when I heard about this, the sadness I felt when I had...

Words of Life

Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can pierce my soul. Words shape self images, alter perceptions, dictate destinies. Words can discourage or encourage, tear down or build up, imprison or liberate. Words are more powerful than weapons of mass destruction because the decision to use the weapon generally started with words – words of hatred, words that marginalized, words that dehumanize, words that dismissed. Our parents got...


What is unity? Does unity mean we all must think alike, look alike, pray alike, worship alike? Can we disagree and still be unified? Can we walk in unity if I vote differently than you? Protest differently? Unity does not mean agreement in every single issue. That is the definition of a cult. True unity brings diverse people – people of varying ethnicities, political beliefs, denominations, socio-economic statuses together and...

The Danger of a Single Story

Good Morning Friends,  In lieu of my regular morning post, I would like to share a TED talk. I hope my regular posts encourage you but also challenge you as well. This woman’s story challenged me. It dared to make me think of how I processed information. I pray it will challenge you as well. The purpose of this video is not to change your mind on any given topic....

Who Is My Neighbor?

The Bible instructs us to love our neighbors as ourselves. But exactly who are our neighbors? Who are we called to love as ourselves? A teacher of the law asked Jesus this question, “Who is our neighbor?” The question itself suggests that our love for others is limited, only extended to a few. Do I only need to love those who are in physical proximity? Those who look like me?...

Make America Kind

Yesterday, I read reviews of the White House Corespondent Dinner. By all accounts, the lead speakers jokes were vulgar and mean spirited. This saddens me. How did we get here as a country? When did we lose civility toward each other? When did we lose the ability to debate without degrade? So, I have decided to start a new campaign. “Make America Kind.” This campaign is not aligned to either...

It’s Time to Speak

Have you ever been with a group of friends and one of them makes an off-colored remark? Maybe slightly racist or sexist? Perhaps it makes you uncomfortable but you sit quietly while others laugh. You don’t want to rock the boat or loose friends. You think it’s harmless because it’s not like your friend is going to harm someone. But our quietness is as hurtful as the comment. If racism...

Heaven n Earth

I want to see heaven on earth. In heaven there is no American Church, Church of England, or African Church. In heaven there is no Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, non-Denomination. In heaven there is no black church, white church, Chinese Church. In heaven there is no division. I want to see Heaven on earth. In heaven, people of varying hues, varying worship styles, varying ethnicities all come together to worship one...