God’s Extravagance

It started with a dream. “Let’s give away 50 bags of groceries and 50 turkeys for Thanksgiving in a low income neighborhood,” one of my friends suggested. I laughed. It was a sarcastic laugh. Sort of like Sarah’s laugh when God announced she would give birth past her child bearing age. But I dared to dream. I dared to believed. I dared to trust. And as we stepped out in...

Enjoying the Holidays

Stress free holidays. That’s the mantra in our house. So when my daughter and son-in-law arrived yesterday, how did they find me – stressed. My house was in chaos because I was have been out of town two weekends in a row and the downstairs toilet was clogged. But my daughter just looked at me and said, “Stress Free holidays mom.” I took a breath and remembered, the most important...

SuperPower Thankfulness

One day, I met a young mother. I knew the mother was experiencing some financial difficulty. Her daughter was pouting and decided to tattle on her mom. When I asked the little girl how she was doing, she said in her best pouty voice, “I only have two pairs of shoes.”  I smiled and with all the excitement I could muster, I said, “ Wow, you have two pairs of...

For Every Mountain

Yesterday, as I was driving home, the song, “For Every Mountain “ popped up in my playlist. I imagine the drivers next to me thought I had lost it. My car kept reminding me: “steering is required.” The song just reminded of how good God has been to me. I was so overwhelmed with God’s goodness and His faithfulness over my life. Every time I feared there wasn’t. enough, He...