Yesterday was rough. It went something like this. Bad news. Worse news. Heated discussion. Bad news. Threat of horrible news but we won’t know until tomorrow. I ended up walking aimlessly around my neighborhood listening to gospel music and praying in the Spirit. But this morning, my Facebook memories reminded me of this important truth. Let this post from four years ago remind you of who you are and where...
Get Out of Traffic
“Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.” Jacob-wrestling God fights for us, GOD -of-Angel-Armies protects us. (Psalm 46:8-11 MSG) Sometimes, when we are in the middle of a battle or a difficult situation, it’s hard to see what God is doing. Everywhere we turn, it seems as if there is just one battle after another. It’s as if...
He Has Risen, Now What?
Last week, deemed Holy Week, we prepared for Good Friday where we commemorated the brutal death of our Savior. We remembered His ultimate sacrifice that brought us forgiveness, redemption, and justification. We marveled at such love that would endure the cross to ensure us a permanent place in heaven. On Sunday we celebrated the ultimate victory over death! We donned fancy clothes and declared He has risen and risen indeed....